Training a support group to make bio sand filters for safe water

Sifting sand to prepare it to be mixed with concrete
Training a support group to make bio sand filters for safe water
Sifting sand to prepare it to be mixed with concrete
Kuwesa Members smile because they take pride in their work and the money they make helps to meet their needs.
The making of the crazy Quilt Patchwork cover
Finished Baby Quilt
Eric flanked on the left by the Tuloi Chair Lady and on the right by Sarah who taught him tailoring skills on a hand cranked sewing machine.
Shem on His Tricycle (a major means for locomotion for handicapped persons in Kenya).
Shem a former Shoe maker will be sharing his leather work Knowledge with the Lihranda group which he has joined.
Kuwesa has always encouraged the support groups to welcome the handicapped, a relatively rare occurrence in Kenya .